Okay, I’ve finally and officially left Olympia. What a hecking relief.
“The worst day on trail is better than the best day of prep.”
The incantation of the hour and I can’t even be certain it’s true.
The week leading up to leaving have been a whirlwind of lists and packing and goodbyes. Double triple checking lists, packing and repacking by pack, assessing and reassessing our first aid kits, spending the last of my resupply budget on daiya mac, and peanut butter packets, and so. much. instant soymilk.
Still, I woke up this morning on the Olympic Peninsula immediately expanding on the list of things I forgot and forgot to do before even opening my eyes. (I can’t keep a beanie to save my life and this moment was primed for me to lose it.)
Whatever is left unfinished is going to stay that way though, with the exception of a few hours for errands in San Diego, and it is a good feeling.
I have done enough because I’ve done everything I can.
Somehow when you make plans like this their momentum carries you forward. Mostly this feels like something that is happening to me rather than something I’m doing. Thank god for the push otherwise I could’ve trapped myself in the minutia of prep and the fervor of “getting it right” infinitely.
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