Today we set about dragging boxes and bags out of closets, out from under beds, and in from the garage and the deep freezer and we began organizing everything we’ve been stockpiling and preparing these past weeks. We took an inventory and set about testing some recipes, tweaking them to our tastes and weighing out our trail meals.
We focused on two dinners, and a breakfast.
Our first concoction? Peanut Noodles. Now these… really got us excited. Our first batch lacked some nuance so while I kept things rolling on the assembly line Caiti went out and got dehydrated coconut milk.
Our friends and housemates here have provided a bounty of helpful advice, supplies, and suggestions (30+ tuna and salmon packets! The entire concept of dehydrated cabbage and cold soaked coleslaw! A 5gal bucket of dehydrated milk! The idea to dehydrate salsa! The list goes on…) and today there were a lot of great contributions. One suggestion was dehydrating lime zest and purchasing dehydrated lime juice powder. The smallest additions can really make a meal pop and we’ll definitely be prepping the rest of these Peanut Noodle dinners with these additions once they’re ready!

For now, we’ll share the recipe we settled on. Unless stated otherwise all the veggies have been dehydrated by us in the last month or so and we’ve been storing them in the freezer. Everything seemed in tip-top shape when we pulled it out. If you can afford to buy your vegetables dehydrated then this is a super fast meal to throw together. Otherwise, drying times vary by climate and by machine and by vegetable but it’s still a very easy recipe.

Prep Time : Up to a couple days
Cook Time : 5-10 min
Difficulty : Very Easy
You Will Need
3oz Rice Noodles
.3oz Sliced Carrots
.2oz Sliced Mushrooms
.1 oz Shredded Cabbage
.2 oz Sliced Bell Peppers
.4oz Dehydrated Onion (purchased in bulk)
½ Vegetable Bullion Cube
2 Tbsp Dehydrated Coconut Milk Powder
1 Tsp Brown Sugar
¼ Tsp Turmeric Powder
1.5 oz Dehydrated Peanut Butter Powder (purchased in bulk)

In pot add 1 ½ C water to ingredients and, stirring periodically, bring mixture to a boil. Set aside and cover for 5 min or until cool enough to eat.
You can really kick it up a notch with some freshly chopped green onion or cilantro if you’ve been to town recently and love yourself.

We highly recommend the following additions:
Packet of Hot Sauce
Packet of Soy Sauce
Dash of dehydrated Lime Zest
Dash of dehydrated or fresh Lime Juice
While the Peanut Noodles were by far the star of the show today we also threw together a really simple dehydrated tomato sauce, angel hair pasta and TVP dish as well as a spinach and bacon bits (fun fact: they’re vegan!) loaded mashed potato dish. We also busted out some simple cereal and milk mixes that can be hydrated with cold water and eaten in a hurry. We’ll post those specs on the recipe page if you’re looking for some decent filler meals.
While our time is running out and it means more and more frequent days with long hours of assembling and organizing – I’m glad we’re at a point where we are starting to see everything come together and make more sense. Today we packaged 32 of these dinners and 20 breakfasts. The next round we’ll be fine tuning our Mujadara recipe, continuing to assemble TVP pasta and Peanut Noodles and creating a Lentil And Couscous dish….amongst other smaller tasks, so check back in next week for that!
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