Caiti and Blake have taken very different approaches when it comes to preparing their bodies and minds for 2600+ miles of trail over five or six months. Neither of us are athletes and here we’re gonna break it down for you what steps we have or haven’t (Blake) taken to train for this colossal undertaking. Caiti Holle has been working towards and planning the PCT hike for a few years and has continually extended an invitation to me all along the way. Meanwhile I’ve pretty much dismissed the whole undertaking and honestly didn’t give it any real thought until last summer (Big Mistake!). Now, just two and a half short months before our feet hit the trail we are teaming up to bootcamp my tush into shape and execute and actualize all the painstaking and thorough research and planning Caiti’s been doing.
While I’m no athlete I’ve had a pretty steady relationship with the gym most of my adult life. That relationship hasn’t always been an easy one but I find myself at my best and most mentally healthy when working toward a goal. Damn, I picked a whopper.
About a year ago I tapped in my buddy Lily of Pressing on Fitness in Olympia and together we’ve been working on preparing for the physical demands of this trip. We do a lot but, along with my physical therapist, we’ve been focusing on some knee/hip rehab. I fell off a hammock about 10 years ago and didn’t do my prescribed PT and boy, do I pay for it now. (Note the knee braces and KT tape in my gear list.) Lily is an angel and her support and confidence has been such a mental game changer for me. I could write forever about how much I love her.
Then! Two months before our start date Blake and I were both let in on Muffy J. Davis’ training program From Here to There. This well and took over the self directed workouts I was doing before and I feel so glad for the guidance and direction. It’s proven pretty indispensable actually. Adaptable endurance event preparation and even remotely Muffy has a hands on approach. It really does feel like an honor to get to test this program for her.
Having access to that kind of focused, informed and specific training is a wild privilege. And I am wildly grateful for it. And from women even?! Heck.
Hey, woah, also- training for something like this can require diligence that I don’t always have. I am by no means the perfect picture of discipline and I think holding oneself to that standard can keep us from trying or undertaking what excites us. I imagine there is no way to be fully physically prepared for the PCT and that is absolutely a thing I have told myself to excuse some much needed slacking. Additionally this has also been a year of many personal milestones making my schedule busier than ever. Carving out time for my loved ones is already a stretch some weeks. Nevermind resupply prep which really can feel like a full time job.
My injury, ed, and honestly being a women in this world have sown a lot of doubt in my physical capabilities. I won’t say my anxieties aren’t through the roof but receiving the support I have and going on some very wonderful (and challenging ) back country trips have helped tremendously in reminding me that I’m already at my own starting point and now I just get to start.
Generally speaking, when given the chance, I am a very sedentary person. However, I really had some good intentions this last summer, I swear I did.
I made some plans to go on training hikes… I had agreements to meet up with my amazingly supportive and multi-skilled friend Trevor Van Zanten to do some one on one strength, cardio and endurance training… I was working a high-impact physical position for wine harvest over at Boedecker Cellars…
But somehow time just kept getting away from me, and more to the point – depression and anxiety kept me stalled at the starting line. So now it’s February and I’m….scared.
Luckily Caiti and I both have had the amazing fortune of getting in contact with Muffy J. Davis. It’s Week 1 of the From Here To There program and I’m actually enjoying it. I’m also really….really….feeling it. I still cannot believe this opportunity appeared at my feet in such a time of overwhelm and need!
I had never been to a gym prior to this and I don’t know what any of the language of working out means so having Muffy as a resource is a huge relief.
This first week I’m giving myself some time to acclimate to the routine and mindset and I’ll start gradually working in some trail time as I go.

You can find Muffy J Davis here for more info on training and consulting services!

You can find Lily here for training in Olympia WA at Pressing on Fitness!
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